Deals & DealmakersFeaturedGural selling 100 Pearl for $850MREWSeptember 30, 2021September 30, 2021 by REWSeptember 30, 2021September 30, 202103374 GFP Real Estate and Northwind Group are in contract to sell 100 Pearl Street to German investment giant Commerz Real AG for $850 million. 100...
Deals & DealmakersFeaturedNYC Health and Hospitals take half million s/f lease at 50 WaterREWJanuary 7, 2019January 8, 2019 by REWJanuary 7, 2019January 8, 2019014520 NYC Health + Hospitals signed a more than 500,000 s/f lease at 50 Water Street. The agency that operates the city’s public hospitals and clinics...